Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FCEP) University Islam of Indonesia (UII) was established in the name of Faculty of Civil Engineering on 12 October 1964 with one Study Program, Civil Engineering. In 1985, the faculty was combined with the faculty of industrial technology and textile technology to the faculty of engineering. In 1987, the architecture study program opened, followed by the environmental engineering study program in 1999. In 1993, the industrial technology and textile study program developed into the faculty of industrial technology while the engineering faculty became the faculty of civil engineering and planning.

Until now, FCEP has three majors, namely the Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture, and Department of Environmental Engineering, and has seven Study Programs: the Study Program of Civil Engineering Scholar Program, Study Program of Civil Engineering Magister Program, Study Program of Civil Engineering Doctoral Program, Study Program of Architecture Scholar Program, Study Program of Architectural Profession Program, Study Program of Architecture Magister Program, and Study Program of Environmental Engineering Scholars Program.

The entire program of Scholar Study (Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering) and Architectural Profession Program has gained superior accreditation from the BAN-PT and has been accredited internationally. The Civil Engineering Program is accredited by JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) and by IABEE (Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education), the Architecture Scholar Program and Profession Program are accredited by KAAB (Korean Architecture Accreditation Board). The Environmental Engineering Program is accredited by ABET (American Boarding for Engineering Technology) and by IABEE (Indonesian Accreditation for Engineering Education).