The Information Technology Division at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning UII has duties and responsibilities in the maintenance and development of information systems. In addition, the IT Division also carries out routine tasks such as planning and coordinating hardware maintenance, software development, installation of UII application programs, and management of intranet and internet networks.
Some of the services from the IT Division include:
- Account Application Submission Single Sign On (SSO) for new Lecturers and Education Personnel to BSI UII.
- Serving stakeholders (lecturers, employees, students and guests) if they experience difficulties using IT facilities in the FTSP environment, for example experiencing difficulties accessing the internet with Eduroam, UIIConnect, UIIGuest, etc.
- Serving lecturers, employees, students if they have difficulty accessing the Information System owned by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning UII.
- Submit a UIIGuest account to BSI for FTSP UII guests to be able to access the internet.
Submit IT division services via the following form:
FTSP UII Information Technology Services can be accessed at: UII Information Technology Services
1. Hardware and Software Repair Work Procedures
3. Internet Network Repair Work Procedure
4. Website Data Backup Work Procedure
Information Technology Division
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, University Islam of Indonesia
Mohammad Natsir Building, UII Integrated Campus
Kaliurang St. Km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584
Phone 0274-898444 ext. 3208, Fax. 0274- 895330
The Goddess of Mercy
Dimas Sapri Nugroho, S.T.