Collaborative spaces can be utilized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning for various activities, ranging from discussions, group study, and so on.
The Student Lounge is designed to accommodate students and lecturers to work with a very aesthetic view of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning building.
The Civil Engineering Faculty Building has RO machine technology that can change raw water into water that is immediately suitable for consumption. This drinking water treatment technology has been used since 2020 and continues until now.
To support the fulfillment of student needs, Amanah Cooperative is present by offering various services, such as photocopying and minimarkets. Access to this cooperative is very easy, namely located in the basement on the south side near the campus road.
The Data and Reference Center or IRC (Information Resource Center) is a facility that provides references and information so that its existence is very necessary for the development of learning in higher education institutions.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning has a very reliable data and reference center to support teaching and learning activities, also supported by operational facilities that pamper students, namely presenting a computerized collection and circulation information system with an integrated SIMPUS automation program. The existence of IRC is also intended to form an information network for the development of science, communicating the contents of the collection to users to stimulate interest in discussions related to scientific information. The development of IRC leads to the development of an electronic information system (digital library), the development of collections with other types of information (pictures, maps, development data for an area, etc.), collecting printed information related to engineering disciplines, and compiling and operating a documentation and circulation system so that the information can be used properly by the academic community. The facilities available consist of books, theses/dissertations/research reports, and scientific journals/magazines. Borrowing uses an open access system, namely choosing and taking the desired collection yourself. The book room and reading room are very representative, comfortable and quiet, there are also photocopiers, scanners and full color printers that can be used to facilitate teaching and learning activities.
The FTSP prayer room plays a major role in fostering character education for students, especially for daily obligatory and sunnah prayers. The FTSP prayer room accommodates the activities of student organizations engaged in the field of da'wah, especially the AL MUSTANIR Faculty Da'wah Institute. This prayer room was built in 1981 and was renovated again in early 2019.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FTSP) of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) has various superior laboratories that support the learning process, research, and innovation in the field of Civil Engineering, Architectureand Environmental Engineering. Each laboratory is designed to provide in-depth practical experience and focuses on the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies.
- Civil Engineering Department Laboratory
- Architecture Department Laboratory
- Environmental Engineering Department Laboratory