In order to Mitigate the Spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19), submission of General Services of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Islamic University of Indonesia can be done online:

The service is made to accommodate incoming mail administration to continue running according to SOP so that information can run as expected. Letters from Partners can be sent via our email [email protected]. (CP. Mrs. Eninggar FS WA 081227685371)

The flow of incoming mail is as follows:

This service is provided for students who will apply for a Certificate of Still Studying, (CP. Mr. Fandi Ahmad Wicaksono, WA 085702652177). Service hours Monday - Friday 08.00 - 16.00 WIB. The procedures are as follows:

Application for Certificate of Still Studying

This service is provided for students who will submit a Scholarship Application Recommendation Letter, (CP. Mrs. Eninggar FS, WA 081227685371) the procedure is as follows:

Scholarship Application Recommendation Service

The service form for the General Division of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning UII can be downloaded via the following link:

Facility Discrepancy Complaint Service via the following link: