Hasil menggembirakan diraih dua tim Teknik Sipil UII (PILAR UII 3 dan PILAR UII 2) pada BIM Tekla Competition Polban Civil Expo 2024. Kompetisi ketekniksipilan yang diikuti civilian seluruh Indonesia ini diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri Bandung dengan mengangkat tema “BIM Competition for Efficient Design and Construction of Simple Building”.

Setelah melalui beberapa tahapan (9 Juni – 14 Juli 2024), Penilaian yang dilakukan oleh Juri Fauzan Saidal, S.T. selaku Technical Consultan dari Trimble Solution Indonesia dan dua Juri lain dari Politeknik Negeri Bandung menghasilkan keputusan Juara 1 (PILAR UII 3), Juara 2 (PILAR UII 2) dan Juara 3 (Nexus Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang).

Tim PILAR UII 3 yang beranggotakan Luthfi Fitri Pramudya (20511268), Farhan Habibi (22511157), Tabah Bandematarem (22511168) dan Dwi Ashari Hidayat (22511135) dengan karya bangunan berjudul “The Arthadipa’s Convention Center”. Berasal dari “Artha” dan “Dipa”. Artha berarti Makna, Tujuan, atau Nilai. Ini mencerminkan bahwa bangunan ini memiliki fungsi yang signifikan dan nilai yang mendalam, baik dari segi fungsi maupun simbolis. Dipa berarti Cahaya atau Obor. Ini melambangkan pencerahan, pengetahuan, dan panduan.

Sedangkan PILAR UII 2 yang beranggotakan Bibit Santoso (20511194), M Rafi Alamsyah (23511039), Daffa Kurnianda (22511061) dan Delfi Aiswara Annisa (1951165) mengangkat tema “Semar Convention Hall”. Semar, tokoh sentral dalam pewayangan jawa merupakan pemimpin di antara tokoh lainnya. Alasan memilih semar sebagai filosofi desain struktur adalah karena Stabilitas dan Ketahanan (Kerangka Struktur Utama), Kerendahan Hati dan Keterbukaan (Ruang Inklusif) dan Simplicity and Functionality in structural design.

Dosen pembimbing kedua tim ini digawangi oleh dosen-dosen muda Jurusan Teknik Sipil FTSP UII terdiri dari Ir. Vendie Abma, S.T., M.T., IPM., Jafar, S.T., M.T., MURP. dan Tri Nugroho Sulistyantoro, S.T., M.T.

Ir. Fitri NugraheniS, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM. selaku Wakil Dekan Bidang Keagamaan, Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni FTSP UII memberikan apresiasi  sebesar-besarnya atas capaian ini. “Di tangan yang tepat, maka semua orang bisa menjadi juara. Selamat atas kemenangan tim PILAR UII 3 (juara 1) dan PILAR UII 2 (juara 2) pada BIM TEKLA COMPETITION POLBAN CIVIL EXPO 2024. Selamat juga pada Program Studi Teknik Sipil FTSP UII atas capaian yang membanggakan ini. Barakalllah, Semoga Allah meridhai UII”.

In order to knit togetherness, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FTSP) of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) held a Family Gathering activity, on July 4-7, 2024 in Karimunjawa, Central Java, which was attended by around 120 participants consisting of lecturers and education staff and their families.

The group departed from Moh. Natsir Building, FTSP UII campus by using 3 buses to Kartini Jepara harbor. Once at the port, the trip continued with a crossing to Karimunjawa island using the Express Bahari ship. The trip took 250 minutes, and went straight to the Java Paradise Resort hotel as a place to stay.

On the first day, participants took a land tour to Bobby beach, Bukit Love and watched the sunset in the iconic Karimunjawa area. Furthermore, the second day’s agenda is a sea tour using 5 boats to shark breeding and snorkeling. Snorkeling is one of the must-do tourist activities when visiting Karimunjawa. This tourist destination is known to have many beautiful underwater spots that can be explored.

The first snorkeling location is Spot Nemo. From the boat, you can see the seabed with its corals and at this place, participants start wearing snorkeling equipment, such as frog shoes, snorkel goggles, and buoys. For those who cannot swim, snorkeling equipment can already be used to witness the beauty of the underwater. For those who can swim, they can remove the buoys to be able to dive occasionally to see the coral reefs more closely.

After snorkeling is complete, the ship continues its journey to one of the islands in Karimunjawa, Cemara Besar Island. Here participants had lunch with a menu of various fish, shrimp, chili sauce, fruit and vegetables. The fish is grilled directly on the island, so it is still warm. After eating, tourists can enjoy the beauty of Cemara Besar Island with white sand beaches and clear sea with not too big waves. One uniqueness of Cemara Besar Island is that there is a stretch of sand in the middle of the water that can be used for taking pictures.

The sea tour concludes at Ujung Gelam beach, also known as Tanjung Gelam beach, which is one of the best beaches in Karimunjawa. The location is filled with amazing beauty, the white sand that meets the clean coast adds to the beauty of the beach. In addition, there is a charm of the beach that has also become its identity, namely the sloping coconut tree which is used as an object to take pictures. Some participants captured important moments on the tree. There were also those who rented canoes to just go around the beach. There were even those who rode banana boats and jetskis.

Furthermore, in the evening there were gathering activities on the beach in the Java Paradise hotel area. On this occasion, the Vice Dean for Resources of FTSP UII, Dr. Ir. Kasam, MT, gave a speech. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to the participants who participated in enlivening the activity. He also said that the FTSP UII family recreation activity was a series of faculty work programs that had been established. “I hope that from this activity we can strengthen the sense of kinship, be more solid and of course establish a closer relationship,” he said.

The alignment of Islamic leadership values from an early age will help in facing the future to have the capacity, norms and values of goodness. Leadership in Islam is carried out in a balanced manner, namely the upholding of religious values and the balance of the affairs of the world hereafter, emulating the behavior of uswatun hasanah. Islamic leadership must lead to the nature of progress, adaptation for the better, can build networking and sustain.

To support this, students can explore their potential including managing time well, prioritizing to focus on things that help self-development, looking for opportunities to improve skills, accepting input and opinions of others for self-development, controlling emotions and being able to show empathy to others, improving communication skills, expanding networks, and associating with people who can provide inspiration and support, setting specific goals to be achieved to provide direction and motivation to develop. “Student involvement in an organization is very important, because it can affect various positive developments and produce students who are more career-ready,” he said.

This was said by Ir. M. Erry Sugiharto, S.T., M.H., M.T, IPU .., Director of Human Resources of PT Pertamina (Persero) in a Talkshow on Leadership and Da’wah Training for students with the theme “Instilling Leadership Morals in the Digital Age” organized by the Directorate of Education and Islamic Religious Development (DPPAI) and supported by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FTSP) of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) on 22 Dhulhijah 1445 H / 29 June 2024 at the Moh. Natsir Building Auditorium, FTSP UII Campus.

The event, which was officially opened by the Dean of FTSP UII, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Ilya Fadjar Maharika, MA, IAI, also presented speakers Drs. Imam Mudjiono, M.Ag., lecturer, trainer and motivator. In his material, he revealed that the main principles of Islamic leadership are Amanah, fairness and deliberation. A successful leader is usually supported by two things, namely leader soft skills and leader hard skills. Leader soft skills consist of communication skills, motivation, creativity, adaptation, empathy, integrity, visionary, responsibility, trust and building dreams. “While the leader hard skills include teamwork, internal and external relationships, time management, collaboration, enthusiasm and having initiatives, ideas or ideas,” he said.

After the presentation of the two speakers, it was continued with discussion and questions and answers guided by moderator Dr. Herman Felani, S.S., M.A.